Apertura speakers at CES Las Vegas – January 6-9 2016
Apertura Audio will be at CES 2016.
Visit us in the Venetian Tower – Suite 30-328.
Source System will highlight the Apertura EDENA, a compact 2 ways – 2 drivers floor-standing column.
« From the outside in with its fancy veneers, sterling finish, complex asymmetrical cabinetry,quality drivers and advanced filter, the Apertura Edena offers a lot in today’s high-end currency.
Despite its seeming modesty of just two drivers, this cleverly appointed box acts full range for 95% of applications.
It really is all the speaker most serious music lovers would ever need. »
Srajan Ebaen – 6 moons – October 2012
Read the complete review from Srajan, here: 6moons Apertura Edena review
We welcome you to visit us, and enjoy a new Apertura experience!
